Our opening show is not only celebrating two new spaces at Studios, but we are also celebrating a "new to us" artist, Lyn Asselta. Her show will open and run alongside Liz Hoag. We love the vibe these two talented ladies create. Side by side, they are fabulous.
Lyn Asselta | Rush | Pastel on Panel | 16" x 20"
Asselta is a pastel artist with twenty-five years of experience in the arts. However, she didn't begin focusing on pastels until she opened an old box of Grumbacher pastels. She never looked back.
Being drawn to locations with a rugged, solitary strength, she loves places with untold stories where she can lose herself in the nature surrounding her. Pastel allows Lyn to hold a piece of color in her hand and to capture the essence of the wild, untouched beauty she finds in the world.
Lyn Asselta | Morning Hideaway | Pastel on Panel | 30" x 30"
If Lyn is one of your favs, mark the dates on your calendar. If you can't wait til summer, click the link below to see their present collection of works at Maine Art Hill. Call or check our website for hours this winter and spring. 207-967-2803 www.maine-art.com
May 27 -June 21, 2023
Artist Reception: Saturday, May 27, 5-7 PM
5 Chase Hill Rd. Kennebunk, Maine 04043