Ingunn Milla Joergensen | Precious #2 | Oil | 20" X 20" | $1900
Maine Art Hill has been with Ingunn Milla Joergensen for several years, but her nests have been with her for much longer.
"Nests are fascinating constructions on their own, so strong and fragile," explains Joergensen. "They also awaken a feeling of being safe and surrounded. We all need that."
Ingunn Milla Joergensen | Precious #1 | Oil on Canvas | 20" X 20" | $1900
The beauty of something so simple yet so safe is captured in the fine details of Joergensen's work. The design and ethereal quality she weaves throughout make these havens perfect.
"I keep painting nests," shares Joergensen, "I am in awe of this fascinating and genius structure, whose only purpose is to cocoon new life."
Ingunn Milla Joergensen | Soft Spot | Oil on Canvas with | 12" X 12" | $1000
Maine Art Hill's Show Gallery is located at 5 Chase Hill Road and is open daily from 10 AM to 6 PM. FMI visit, call 207-967-2803 or email