Despite spending seven or eight months a year traveling in the U.S. and abroad, Maine retains a particularity that hasn’t been rivaled. The Mediterranean coastlines of Spain and Italy are enchanting, and the Atlantic coast of Morocco is spectacular, but Maine has a taste all its own.
Although I revel in the sight of the sea, it's the Maine light that grabs me. The uncluttered skies hint at the smell of brine, mussels, seaweed, lobster, fish, ducks, and birds. Salty marshes, mysterious dunes, or the sea itself inhabit the lower edge of the painting and gently hold the sky and its moods for our contemplation. The briny sea air, the changing moon, a star, chartreuse morning mist, a lone tree contorted by the challenges of untamed weather are the elements that inspire my work.
Painting and Maine are inseparable!