"When I turn my attention to painting, it is in search of peace, finding equilibrium. Trials bring life into focus."
I find peace in the timelessness of light effects on the water. I want to paint subjects that make my heart happy. Something is thrilling about being at the edge of water, feeling the breeze where the water meets the shore, the smell, the sound -  it’s a powerful experience. It’s peaceful but also exhilarating.
The day two catamarans were cruising along, friends out on a nice day, with the sun dramatically dividing the water - I knew I wanted to paint it.  (August, seen above). I want to remember the sensation; I want that memory to last. Everyone has those afternoons they never want to end.
About the sailboat in the painting Freebird (see above), I simply love to see that sailboat. It cheers me whenever I see it. I’ll stop what I’m doing to admire it.
I find peace in nature, going for walks, and seeing the dark green cedars against the new green of early summer. Gray days are gorgeous! Gray days need to be celebrated more.
And walking the beach, looking for stones to bring home. I spend great amounts of time contemplating the colors and surfaces of the stones. The stones along the New England shore are so interesting! I’m painting the small joys in life; I want to celebrate them.
In Three Foxes Under a Tree, Under a Cloud is from a day out of Camden. I love days when the occasional cloud blocks the sun and the sky is still bright blue, but areas of the shore and water are in shadow.
Seeking peace and celebrating the small joys in life, these subjects center on nature and my surroundings. I enjoyed painting on a small, intimate scale this year. I don’t paint with an easel but hold my work in my lap and hold the brush like I’m holding a pen. They’re turned this way and that. I look at them very much as objects, with small illusions on their surfaces.

Below are several links to learn more about Dunwoodie and see all of her available works.

Alex Dunwoodie - Artist Page

Alex Dunwoodie - Insights and Stories from the Blog



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