Words from David Witbeck regarding his Lino-cut.
"Color’s hard especially when you only use 3 or 4 or 5 of them. I used this motif a couple months ago as a reduction woodcut. I’m revisiting it as a multi-block Lino cut. Three blocks, I’m thinking 5 or 6 colors so some will have to cut as reductions. I have a bad habit of cutting away too much too soon. In the future I’ll try to save more black and just do one other color...a chiaroscuro print. I can handle that without overtaxing my brain. The print here is on the tracing paper that the other blocks were offset from.
Btw: if you get pre-cut Lino from Blick make sure it’s square before you start cutting. These were off 1/2 an inch in 18 inches which I didn’t notice until I set up my registration device." David Witbeck is represented at Maine Art Hill year round, both his prints and his originals. Use the links below for more information. Complete Collection of Available Original Works