For the last few years, Maine Art Hill has opened its summer season with the Choice Art Show.  This year is no different. The 9th Annual Choice Art Show will officially open on  Saturday, May 30 at Shows on Maine Art Hill.   However, we all know the Choice Art Show really begins on May 14th with VOTING!

For those of you new to Choice, and a recap for the veterans, plus this year is a bit different. We begin with forty-two original works from seven artists; six pieces each.  All these works you will find on our CHoice Art Show Voting Page. This year we are still looking for three pieces to be carefully “chosen” to be honored during the show. This is where it gets fun.

One piece, The Artist's Choice, the artist chooses. One, The Designer's Choice, is chosen by the designer, and local celeb, Louis Hurlbutt of Hurlbutt Design. chooses.  And then there is the third and final choice, The People's Choice. This is where you come in.

The People's Choice is all up to you. By casting your vote for your favorite piece from each artist, you decide the seven paintings that will display the title of PEOPLE'S CHOICE.  Each and every artist represented in the show is one of the very best up and coming artists in the area. You can trust that no matter which piece you choose, many others will be in complete agreement.


Upon clicking, you will be directed to the 9th Annual Choice Art Show page. Here you begin voting.  Each screen shows the six paintings each artist has submitted.  All you have to do is tell us which one you love most by clicking it and then clicking  VOTE.  Once you decide, the site will show you what other voters liked and then move you forward to the next artist. Watch for our Facebook, Instagram, website, and email updates on Friday, May 29th for the announcement of the People's Choice winners. As of this moment, no one knows exactly what the show will look like. Which piece did your favorite artist choose? What about Louise Hurlbutt? Do you share opinions on art? Come in and find out. The show is open to the public for viewing on, June 1.

BUT THIS IS THE TIME OF THE VIRTUAL EVERYTHING SO... On Friday, May 29, the show is virtually live. We will share links soon on how to virtually walk through as well as how to see each piece up close, either on your computer or in person.


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Maine Art Hill I 14 Western Avenue Kennebunk, ME 04043 I 207.967.2803


Open Thursday-Monday 10am-5pm

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Open Daily 10am-5pm

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