Last year was full of growth and change as Maine Art Hill, the brand, and the new buildings took shape. The 2018 Summer Season was absolutely a crazy, fun and successful adventure. So now here comes the summer of 2019, and we are sure you are wondering what exactly can be expected up here on the hill.
First thing.... too much to put into one blog post, so we are going to split it up. Stay tuned.
This week we want to feature all the fabulous new artists that joined us since May of 2018. Our family has grown.
Rick Hamilton lives in Portland and joined us full-time mid-summer last year. His story is an interesting one and his work is like nothing else you have seen here on Maine Art Hill. This is one of the reasons we are so excited to have him with us.
The motivation behind his work is making connections with people. "I love to talk about my work and to hear how it may affect someone," shares Hamilton. "I am a self-taught artist and all of my images are from my head. I may be having a conversation with someone and hear a saying or sentence that inspires a painting. Sometimes, it is a line in a song that puts an idea in my head."
Hamilton joins twelve other artists as part of our summer kick-off, The 8th Annual Choice Art Show. This show begins June 8 and runs through June 27. (Stay tuned for more details coming soon!)
Click here to see more of Hamilton's work.
Click here to read more about Hamilton's story.
Julie Houck is another local artist who joined the gallery mid-summer last year. Starting with a week at Pop Up on Maine Art Hill, her work never left. As a contemporary landscape painter working in oils and encaustics, Houck has a desire to capture the essence of the landscape. Her work evolves into compositions that dissolve into only the barest, most minimal components—the sky, horizon, and land. "As an artist, I approach each painting believing that it is not enough to paint the literal view," says Houck. "My goal is to also capture the essence of the landscape and hopefully connect you viscerally to that place and time.” Beginning June 29, Margaret Gerding, Ingunn Milla Joergensen, and Jule Houck form a fabulous all-female trio at Shows on Maine Art Hill. Their show will run for three weeks, closing on July 18.Click here to see more of Houck's work.
Click here to read more of Houck's story.
Another new addition is showing his work in The Works on Maine Art Hill. Sculptor, Kevin Keiser came to the gallery in November as part of a show in the Pop Up Gallery that featured local sculptors. Like Houck, his work never left, it just moved next door. For this artist, it is the trial and error of forms and glazes that are part of the fun, and part of the heartbreak, of seeking new results. “I’m not looking for the perfect piece, I’m savoring the path of discovery with all its challenges,” says Keiser. “The ethos of my ceramics is communicated through the work, and I hope my work inspires people to explore their creative energies.”Click here to see more of Keiser's work
Click here to read more of Keiser's story.
Lastly, we have Kathy Ostrander Roberts. Another local talent that found her way to us through the Pop-Up Gallery. A Kennebunk resident, we love having her so close to home and look forward to her coming summer work. The ancient medium of encaustic is a unique and interesting process. She combines beeswax, powdered pigments, and dammar resin into her ocean-inspired paintings. "Through layering and sculpting of the medium, I create depth and intrigue. My hope is to spark memories and longings for Maine’s rugged shores in the hearts and eyes of the viewer," says Roberts. Claire Bigbee, Bethany Harper Williams, and Kathy Ostrander Roberts bring together another all female, all local show. Wow! We have so much talent in this little part of the world. This show begins on August 10 and runs through Labor Day, September 2. You can now see why the upcoming 2019 Summer Season needs to be covered in more than one post. Look for more news of summer coming soon. In the meantime, all of the galleries are open every day. Come in an check out these new artists, as well as the familiar works of all your favorites. We open at 10. See you soon.