Featured Artist, Cynthia Woehrle is the guest artist for Pop Up beginning Tuesday, July 17 through Monday, July 23. Read on to learn more about her inspiration, her process, and her work.
July 17 - July 23
Landscape in oil is the medium in which my artistic themes are expressed. Each landscape represents the memory of an emotion and my aim is to present a scene that has a ground but also has an ephemeral and floating feeling to evoke a dreamlike memory. I am fixated on the subtleties of the atmosphere, which I layer in glazes of paint. Each work develops its own temperament; some complicated and heavy, others light, loose and confident.
Contradiction is also a theme, associating lights and darks in the atmosphere with both positive and negative implications. For example, with darkness, there is an acknowledgment of the negative and an appreciation for its beauty and solace. Darkness symbolizes repression and withholding but at the same time, and importantly, darkness brings comfort and rest. Light, a symbol of hope and renewal, is a focal point that disrupts this rest. In depicting the sky, I can explore a full circle of human emotion through light and atmosphere.
The moon is a subject within the contradiction theme that I began exploring at a time of forced reaction about the meaning of life and death. Ever changing, the moon’s presence is mysterious and is often contradictory in symbolism. This makes the search for absolute truths impossible. There is always another answer, another perspective. Philosophers grasp at answers in an effort to understand life but all that is true is the journey and what is discovered along the way.
Woehrle will be showing her work at Pop Up on Maine Art Hill at 5 Chase Hill Rd. in Kennebunk from July 17 to July 23. The gallery is open every day at 10 am. For more info about Woehrle and her work, follow this link to her website. www.cynthiawoehrle.com