While most of us have just settled in for our annual feast of turkey and all the fixings, or maybe by now it is time for a quick, merely a blink, afternoon, full-belly nap, many around Kennebunk and Kennebunkport are fixing to begin one of the biggest and most celebrated times of our year, Christmas Prelude.
Photo by KennebunkportMaineLodging.com
Kennebunkport’s Christmas Prelude begins Thursday, November 30, with evening events. There is a brief pause mid-week, then we begin again for the second weekend and run through Sunday, December 10. Voted the #2 Christmas Town in America by HGTV and designated as one of the Top 100 Events in North America for 2015 by ABA, Kennebunkport’s Christmas Prelude is a winter destination for many across the country. This will be the 36th year of festivities and each year it is better and better.
Officially the kick off is the tree lighting in Dock Square at 5:30 pm on Friday, December 1. The square is full of folks who have wandered in to celebrate our classic Maine Christmas. Come and join the Christmas caroling with the Kennebunk High School Chamber Choir. A huge thank you to Kennebunk Savings for sponsoring this event.
For nine straight days, you will find interesting local fun scattered across town. There is something for everyone. From chowder cook-offs and parades to beer tasting and, of course, the Village Art Walk, Passport to Prelude is on Friday, December 8 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Stop by and get your “Passport to Prelude” stamped at participating Village Art Walk galleries, including Maine Art. Pick up your free Passport at participating galleries or the Chamber of Commerce Kiosk, 1 Chase Hill Road, Kennebunk (across from H.B. Provisions) as early as December 1. Collect your stamps through the last day of Prelude, December 10 for your chance to win prizes! See the website for details.
The Kennebunk Business Association has an all-inclusive website to help both locals and visitors maneuver their way around town. Everything from parking to tickets to activities can be found on this page. https://www.christmasprelude.com. Activities begin Thursday, December 2 at 2:00 pm. See the schedule for details.
Photos by KennebunkportMaineLodging.com
However, try KennebunkportMaineLodging.com if you are looking for local insight and info. It is a wonderful site to find detailed descriptions of all the events, as well as recommendations for lodging and restaurants. The owners are locals and love to share the inside scoop on how to make the most of any trip to the Kennebunks. Click here for their Prelude Page. (A big thank you to them, as well, for allowing us to use their images in this post.)As always we are open and celebrating right along with you. Our hours during the festivities will be:
12/1: 10am-8pm
12/2: 10am-8pm
12/3: 10am-6pm
12/8: 10am-8pm
12/9: 10am-6pm
12/10: 10am-5pm
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