Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture in Kennebunk is happy to introduce a new artist to the gallery
"I have been very fortunate and humbled by my success as an artist, and take none of it for granted,” says LeCours.
LeCours, who works mostly in oils, takes inspiration from the natural beauty of his native New England. “The first time I painted outside, en plein air, in Portsmouth Harbor, I realized that nothing can replace the excitement and energy of reacting to the elements and painting directly,” he says. “Feeling the sights, sounds and smells and reacting to them with ‘mark making’ was a true epiphany.”
Through plein air painting, the intuitive dialogue with the sea and the elements have allowed LeCours to produce his most authentic work and has enabled him to discover his true voice as a visual artist.
It was three summers ago he visited the Peabody Essex Museum to view a JWM Turner show. “They had many of his works from The Tate Britain and the National Gallery on display for that summer. The show mesmerized me so much that I joined the museum and went to the show about ten times to absorb as much as I could,” recalls LeCours. “Turner was painting “the feel“ of the ocean and the elements. His work certainly was an inspiration.”
“My central aim in painting is to create beautiful imagery. My creative process centers on a direct and intuitive response to nature and its elements in the tradition of JMW Turner and James Abbott MacNeil Whistler,” LeCours explains. “I hope to evoke a response in the viewer to these experiences.”
LeCours grew up in Saratoga Springs, NY. He studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design. He currently maintains a loft/studio in his Townhome on the Lamprey River in Epping, NH, but has many collectors outside of New England.
“My paintings have allowed me to form lasting friendships with collectors from across the United States and Canada,” says LeCours.
Join us for an autumn afternoon on Saturday, October 21st. View the new works. Hot apple cider and fall bites will be served. Live music from local guitarist Beau Dalleo.
Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture, at 14 Western Avenue in Kennebunk, is open daily at 10 am. Check the website for closing times as seasons change. FMI call 207-967-2803.
See our complete collection of John LeCours’ work by clicking his link. John LeCours – A Complete Collection