Philip Frey lives in a part of Maine where sea and shore meet mountain and forest. His studio and home are hidden away just minutes from the varied and beautiful landscape of Acadia National Park. When an artist is immersed in the beauty only mother nature can create, it is impossible not to capture it in paint.
“Painting en plein air and then moving into the studio to work is typically a matter of refining the painting in terms of subtle color and value changes to bring it to completion," says Frey.
Philip has practiced in many mediums, from watercolor to acrylic to oil. The many landscapes that make up the lands of Maine welcome the artist in. "What interests me in most all my paintings is light and color; the sense of light coming through and infusing a locale," says Frey. "The ephemeral quality of light, color, and shape is intriguing and draws me towards it."
Frey borders a style somewhere between realism and abstraction. His work is familiar but has a composition that allows some leeway. “I've always been interested in abstraction, particularly the moving line between abstraction and representation. It's a fun and fruitful place to explore," he says. "I sometimes think about how can I paint the essence of something or a place through an economy of brush strokes."
This collection of Philip Frey's work will be at Maine Art Shows at 10 Chase Hill until Labor Day. We are open every day from 11 am to 5 pm. Please stop by and visit, or click here to see the online show with a 360-degree virtual tour. Click here to see our entire collection of Philip's work.
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