Welcome to the first week of Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture's 20th Anniversary Celebration. Over the next few weeks, we will be using the blog to keep you updated on what’s going on, what to expect, and of course a little kudos for events that have gone by.
As most of you know the show opens Saturday, July 22nd at 11am sharp up at Maine Art Shows. This will be the first real look at the over thirty artists’ work. Remember, however, that you can get an online sneak peek on Friday evening, the 21st, if you follow this link. 20th Anniversary Show. You will also find an online 36o° virtual tour on the top of the show page.
We have so much planned and all is available on our calendar, but we thought we would highlight the next few days for you. Each Thursday during the show, we will post a blog with details. Each date is clickable to see more details about the event.
July 22nd, Saturday - 11am - Let the show begin. Maine Art Shows opens it’s doors for the first look. Stick around or come back from 5-7 pm for our Opening Reception at Maine Art Shows. Music by The Mike Walsh Trio. Catered by David Hurd, personal chef and catering.
July 23rd, Sunday - Susan Wahlrab takes over Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture at 14 Western Ave. 10am- 5pm. She will also be doing a demonstration of her watercolor process in the front parking lot around noon.
July 24th, Monday - Jill Valliere takes over Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture at 14 Western Ave. 10am-5pm.
July 25th, Tuesday - Jill Valliere will be hosting a coffee talk at a local coffee shop from 11am - 12 noon. This is limited to 10 people so please contact the gallery to sign up. 207-967-2803.
Tuesdays at Toroso, July 25th - Happy Hour with Maine Art Gallery and Liz Hoag @ Toroso Restaurant in Kennebunk. Click this link for more details. 5-7pm
July 26th, Wednesday - Liz Hoag takes over Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture at 14 Western Ave. 10am-5pm. She will be hosting a coffee talk at a local coffee shop from 11am - 12 noon. This is limited to 10 people so please contact the gallery to sign up. 207-967-2803.July 27th, Thursday - Janis Sanders takes over Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture at 14 Western Ave. 10am-5pm. He will be hosting a coffee talk at a local coffee shop from 11am - 12 noon. This is limited to 10 people so please contact the gallery to sign up. 207-967-2803.
July 29th, Saturday - Artist Reception Celebrating 10 years with Lyman Whitaker and Whitaker Studio. 5pm – 8pm at Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture, 14 Western Avenue. Come dance and eat and meet the man behind those beautiful spinning sculptures.
That is just our first week! Please check our calendar for the entire schedule of all our summer events by clicking here: CALENDAR OF EVENTS. Remember, we will post a new blog each Thursday highlighting the week. Also check us out on all of our social media sites for pictures and up-to-date goings on. Mondays we will share the celebrations from the past week and give kudos to all who are helping to make these 20 days incredible.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to call at 207-967-2803 or email at info@maine-art.com
Hope to see you soon!