“My fascination with crows continues to grow. Perhaps it’s their close knit family units and other shared human traits, like cooperation and ingenuity that win my allegiance. Mostly, I am drawn to a mystery; a spirit energy surrounding them,” says Elizabeth Ostrander. “They are a portal where my soul seems to find an easy connection with nature.”
Curious, a small ceramic and acrylic crow, focuses on the inquisitiveness and intelligence of these birds. With his head cocked and lowered, he appears to be looking for just a little more. The title fits. According to Ostrander these two traits are mutual for these birds and humans. “We both have a desire to learn new things. I think we must both recognized this familiar trait in one another.” This is true as well for our mutual love and fascination with all things shiny. “Shiny Heart Cache” is a larger crow that represents this. His heart is filled with a nest of “shiny.” Even the tiny gold heart placed in the center of it all leaves us to wonder at our own “treasure troves of delight and entertainment.”
“Crows in Eastport, along with the gulls, have become our resident totems. They give our island community an exciting, aerial tambour - a pulse of shared activity and connection,” says Elizabeth. “But it is indisputably the black-feathered crows who dwell the deepest inside our human imagination. Crows have become like deep wells of inspiration not only in myths and legends but also in our visual arts, literature and music.”
Elizabeth Ostrander’s work is interesting and unique both visually and conceptually. If you would like to see more of her work, please visit the gallery at 14 Western Ave in Kennebunk, Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture, or take a peek at her on-line Artist Page.
The show, BIRD, including these two pieces as well as others, will be running until September 7th. Maine Art Shows can be found on 10 Chase Hill Rd. in Kennebunk and is open from 11-5 every day. Please visit either in person or on-line at BIRD.
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