Local artist Liz Hoag sees the world through a different lens than many of us. Two things are at the top of her Important List.
"I’ve talked a lot about the abstract qualities of tree paintings," says Hoag, "but I’ve been thinking more about the mood of my paintings lately."
Horizontal Birches 24x48 Acrylic $4200
Many of Hoag's pieces evoke a sense of calm and peace. They take you on a walk through Maine and let you wander at your own pace in some of her favorite places.
"I always talk about the quiet of my paintings, but I think this really is a critical part of my work," says Hoag. "My view choice is my work's first and most important component."
Petite Bois 30x30 $3300
The second component for Hoag is the light.
"If I don’t like the composition, if I can’t find a way to crop the view to get what I like, I can’t start, much less finish, the painting," says Hoag. "If the light isn’t right, I don’t even have a starting place. Even if there’s movement, the balance in a view makes an image feel complete."
Fall Vista 18x24 Acrylic $1600
Early Spring 10x10 Acrylic $600
This show opens on Saturday, August 17, at 10 am at Shows on Maine Art Hill, 5 Chase Hill Road, Kennebunk.
The show runs until September 11, and the gallery is open every day at 10 am. FMI call 207-967-2803 or visit www.maine-art.com.